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Re: Qt_E Project Initiation

--- Abdulhaq Lynch <al-arabeyes at alinsyria dot fsnet dot co dot uk> wrote:
> this message is to let you know that the Qt_E project has started.
> This will build on my initial work to arabise Qt/E 2.3.10 which is
> used by various PDAs (Zaurus, IPAQs running Familiar) as its GUI
> toolkit.
> http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=QT_e

Wonderful and congratulations.  If/when you have some photos to
illustrate content, examples and progress, don't hesitate to
please upload 'em to Arabeyes' "gallery/projects" [1] pages.

[1] http://art.arabeyes.org

Keep up the great work and Salam.

 - Nadim

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