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Re: start of SIRAGI project

--- Tarik FDIL <tfdil at sagma dot ma> wrote:
> I'm very pleased to announce the official start of SIRAGI-OCR project.

Mabrook and welcome aboard !!

> So, if you are a C/C++ programmer and you like manipulating image
> formats and you are fall in love with these small artificial beings
> called neural networks :-),  then welcome to SIRAGI project ! 
> http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=siragi
> We are in the very beginning of the project so you can participate in 
> designing it and discussing the best way to address arabic OCR problem.

We've had a number of people on this list and in private inquire about
an OCR project, I will try to email them privately to jog :-) their
memory unless they come to their senses.

I do believe this effort is _VERY_ unique esp. with regard to its Arabic
content - so kudos for taking on such an ambitious path.  Needless to
say, it would also be interesting to get as many people to test and "play"
with the code that is now in CVS [1] as possible to start conjuring an
opinion as well as errata lists, etc.

[1] http://cvs.arabeyes.org/viewcvs/projects/siragi/

NOTE: I removed an unnecessary 'siragi/' in the CVS hierarchy, so do
      please 'cvs checkout projects/siragi' anew.

Keep up the great work and Salam.

 - Nadim

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