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Re: Duali Plans

Once upon a time elzubeir at arabeyes dot org wrote @ Mon, 19 May 2003 10:17:32 -0400

> Salam,

> I guess it's time for me to let everyone know what my plans are for Duali.
> After some testing (never enough, but thanks to all you guys who
> volunteered it and those who were coerced into it ;), I have decided that
> it is time to start moving to the C++ implementation.
I know that we don't get enough testing for our code, That's a very bad thing, But nothing can be done!

> What you can expect from the C++ implementation (initial release plan) will
> be as follows:
> 1. Ability to spellcheck (most known Arabic encodings)
> 2. Interactive interface (similar to that of aspell/ispell)-- ie. can 
>    change words, fix them, etc. as they are found.
> 3. Ability to add an auxilary dictionary for your own custom words.
> 4. API to plug-in to 3rd party applications (text editors, word processors,
>    etc.)
Isn't there plans for a C binding ?
I'm currently working on aspell/pspell support for katoob, and sure i'd like to integrate duali too
Or can you give me a draft C++ API so i may try and develop a C bindings ?

> If you are interested in helping out with Duali's C++ port, please do let
> me know (via the 'developer' list, no private emails please). The Python
> code will serve as a good guide as to how I plan to continue work on the
> project. After all, the whole point of the Python version was to be an
> equivalent of pseudo code that actually executes ;)

Sadly i know only C and my C++ knowledge is not enough for this, I know nothing about python too
But if there is anything i can help with, I'll be glad.
I'll be completely free after 20th of the next month "clash with your above date!"

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