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gVim Windows binaries updated to 6.1.452

gVim Windows binaries updated to 6.1.452:


o Updated to official patch 6.1.452 and current runtimes.
o Includes synched patch for Arabic support by Nadim Shaikli (v1.18).
o TCL stub resource (tclstub83-bor.lib) by Dan Sharp
o lmap fix in Select Mode by Bram Moolenaar
o +ruby/dyn

Our installers continue to progress, but I'd still consider them beta
as a fair bit of the code continues to change. These have been tested
and perform mostly as advertised, but the uninstaller portion is quite
fresh so I still can't guarantee it won't delete your whole system and
a few nearby. Don't use them unless you are confident in your backups.

That said, for those of you who are decide to be adventurous, I'd
appreciate any feedback. Known issues/todos/notes include:

o gVim splash screen (feature.h) doesn't handle our :version hard
  returns. (Would appreciate a patch, or reprimand if we're being
  abusive. :)
o Tutor Start Menu link doesn't work. While the target and icons
  appear to be correct, the parameters somehow aren't being passed
  to Vim properly.
o Installer for Windows:
  * Sometimes doesn't quietly register the DLL (following classic
    version uninstall?)
  * We add the Desktop icon "gVim Diff", although classic does not.
  * Uninstaller: Does not provide option to remove vim\ if individual
    selections to remove option is chosen.
  * Note: Option for vimfiles creation is conditional, based on
    environment var being available. Option is not shown if var not
  * Note: We've added a default option Ctrl+Shift+V key combination as
    a quick key to start Vim. Does this bend anyone's feathers?
o Installer for Windows, Classic:
  * Uninstaller: No prompt to remove vim\
  * Note: Default path is "C:\Vim" rather than "C:\Program Files\vim".
    We don't like this, but it's traditional.
  * Note: Start Menu URL points to vim.sf.net rather than www.vim.org.
    Is there a prefered?
o Want to make a more Vim-branded splash graphic.

I'll close by saying that our Vim+Cream installer takes things to an
even more simplified level, and is rapidly on the road to the classic:

  [ ] Start Menu icon
  [ ] Desktop icon

I'm obviously not wanting the gVim installer to be this simple, but
items like multiple Desktop icons appear to me to be overly
complicated for everyone. If there aren't strong feelings, the next
time around I might do a fraction more cleanup. Opinions?

-- Steve Hall [ digitect at mindspring dot com ]