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Re: Quran - fonts

--- Adil Allawi <adil diwan com> wrote:
> If Diwan was contracted to make an Open-Source font, it would be happy
> to do this but it cannot give away its property without a good business
> reason.

OK, can Diwan then please create some Open-Source fonts for the Arab
community at large :-)

> Why should the font designer not get something for this.

This really is a philosophical argument - does a volunteer working on an
Open Source project get anything in return for his/her work ?  From the
growing number of volunteer the world over that have engaged in Open Source,
the answer seems to be yes.  I think its this sharing of information and
seeing one's own work and efforts being appreciated, enjoyed and used by
endless numbers of people among other reasons that drives them.  In short,
volunteerism is a state of mind (be it software, time or one's own money),
its that notion of giving back to the community and having people share
in one's talent.  As noted its a philosophical argument and might be better
suited for arabeyes' "general" list if there is a need to go down this path.


 - Nadim

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