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global TODO

On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 07:58:50PM -0700, Nadim Shaikli wrote:
> The translation stuff is as integral as the software development work
> (whether we like it or not -- how many are working on KDE/Gnome vs.
> true software development) and as such, I opted to list it there

That is not the issue -- how many people we have on project x or y. What
projects we offer for people to work on reflect the kind of help we may

> instead of having yet another file to look at.  The way I viewed
> the file is more like a "wish-list" and "things that need to looked
> into and worked on".  As for your question to why would we translate
> StarOffice or Mozilla; why is arabeyes doing KDE or Gnome -- these

Because they are absolutely critical and most importantly because no one
else was doing it. Now there are teams springing out to translate
Mandrake's setup/installation (some of whom used to be Arabeyes
volunteers as well).. I think the trend is there.

> are all applications that will be widely used and ought to get
> Arabic attention (most applications nowadays have .POT files awaiting
> someone's attention - we need to pick the ones that matter - I added
> my $0.02's worth to that list).

And I never said they don't need to get Arabic attention.. I am simply
saying that we have agreed on this a long time back.. that our focus
will not be on translation, and that KDE/Gnome are exceptions (for
reasons above). 

> As for the number of things listed (14 - I didn't count), this is

You can take my word for it, 12 ;)

> only 2 people's comments thus far (and are very high-level points)
> awaiting 2 more people's inputs as well as a general call for
> scrutiny of its completeness.

I am not being anti-'wishes' here.. I simply don't want Arabeyes to end
up trying to be everything for everyone. We are a development project
who happen to be doing translation work for KDE/Gnome because no one
else has stepped up to them. We have been trying to distance ourselves
from the 'translation' stigma (and I think somewhat successfully).. I
would hate to see that coming back to us again. But, if the consensus is
to go ahead and turn Arabeyes into a translation project with a few
development projects on the side, don't say I didn't warn you ;)

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://fakkir.net/~elzubeir/|

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