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Re: Proposal for the Basis of a Codepoint ExtensiontoUnicodefortheEncoding of the Quranic Manuscripts

Abdulhaq Lynch wrote:
>> BTW, what is phototastic quadrilateral lingo?
> a photatastic quadrilateral lingo _squirly_ is when the tongue does a
> loop-the-loop that is clearly visible from all four directions.
> Surely you knew that!

By proffesional deformationI thought you wrote phonotactic quadruliteral
lingo. My first though was: what the heck has phonotactic to do with this.

> I agree the user doesn't need to know the encoding, but technology
> workers do. As PCs become affordable in the muslim world more and
> more people (system designers etc) will be interested in this type of
> work. Referring to these glyphs as intended by their inventors will
> make it easy for them to extend our work rather than start from
> scratch because of alien terminology that probably doesn't quite
> apply 100%.

Well, Latin grammatical terminology never worked well for our coastal
Germanic dialects, so I never expected it to work for Arabic. I mentioned
AFL Beeston because he pioneered - English - grammatical terminology for
Arabic on the basis of a profound analysis - taking in traditional
scholarship and adding modern linguistics.

Anyway, we should be able to do better than producing pseudo-Arabic
misnomers like TATWEEL called madd in Arabic).
