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Re: Sequential Fathatan Final Form (Items 9 and 10)

If one disagrees on a fine point of Classical Greek grammar, nobody would
even think of leaving the final word solely to the University of Athens. So
why would Arabic be out of bounds for the rest of humanity? I believe Arabic
is common human cultural heritage and can be discussed by learned people

It would be helpful if you or someone with a scanner provided some samples
illustrating your point.

Anyway, it is not an encoding issue. You are totally free to encode
fathatan-alif or alif-fathatan. However, you own examples show the order
fathatan-alif and it would be better to describe them as such.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mohammed Yousif" <mhdyousif at gmx dot net>
To: "General Arabization Discussion" <general at arabeyes dot org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Sequential Fathatan Final Form (Items 9 and 10)

> On Thursday 17 June 2004 00:37, Thomas Milo wrote:
> >
> > The way I solved it is to treat both variants as equivalent. I consider
> > a font problem Some modern fonts are designed to print fathatan on top,
> > othere only work well with trailing alif. For instance, the Ottoman
> > that we are working on corrects the order indernally since it can only
> > print fathatan against the alif.
> >
>  That would break regular text (The font will not be usable for regular
> > However, grammatically speaking, dammatan, kasratan and fathatan all
> > on the letter that governs them.
> >
> > >   BTW: This mamluki mushaf is not in popular use at all, the most
> > >           mushaf today is the one printed by QuranComplex as long as
> > >           Shamarly and Haramain Masahef.
> >
> > Indeed, but these, too, are written according to the rules of classical
> > Arabic grammar and never place fathatan on top of (i.e., logically
> > following) the trailing alif.
> >
> > Wa s-salaam,
> >
>   Please, leave the issue of validating the spelling of the Qur'an to the
>   appropriate scholars, if you think a mushaf is misspelled, please talk
>   Al-Azhar about it and question the responsible scholars but we are here
>   trying to make the encoded Qur'an looks like the mushaf whether you
>   it's misspelled or not.
> -- 
> Mohammed Yousif
> Egypt
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