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Re: Some Points, about Arabeyes [Part I]

--- Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> OK, so being a "list" lover and one that wants and strives for
> simplicity, results and sticking to the point - I'm hearing the
> following suggestions/remarks,
>  1. Add a policy document to list already existing policies
>     - Include in it things that are expected and things that should be
>       avoided (like making decisions on IRC and not airing them out, etc)
>  2. Add charter/manifesto links to "welcome" emails
>  3. Add dates to all documents (HTML)
>     - Add dates to charter and manifesto docs (outside the realm of CVS)

Fair. I have also suggested something about avoiding duplication, but it is not
seconded yet.

Muhammad Alkarouri
> Did I miss anything ?  If not what is noted above seems logical and simple
> enough to do (given 'core' agrees with it and I can't see why they wouldn't
> but I can't speak for "arabeyes" proper without their consent).
> > As for transparency, it was suggested that not everybody has the right to
> > know our decisions. I was merely referring to the already existing culture.
> Not sure where or who noted this - but I can't think of a situation where
> this has been the case on Arabeyes.  Keep in mind that people talk as they
> see fit but that doesn't constitute "policy" - there should be a clear
> delineation between me saying something and it being Arabeyes' stance
> (I can push for the topic to be discussed so that we have an Arabeyes
> stance on it, but that's all I can do).  In short, what I say is worthless,
> what 'core' agrees upon or decides is what goes (and 'core' is _very_ open
> minded and very inclusive).  Again, Arabeyes has been very open and
> transparent about _everything_ and I for the record don't agree with
> the statement above at all and it most certainly is NOT part of an
> "already existing culture".
> Let's focus on what needs to get done to improve things and not get into
> any side "he said/she said" and "I meant/you meant" debates :-)
> Salam.
>  - Nadim
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