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Re: Mozila to Arabic

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Yes I post a message in netscape.public.mozilla.l10n ( http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-

And I emailed MLP team about that and I identified the localization project
with "ar-SA"

And I even translate more than 40% of the strings :) (I just want to
recheck the translated strings and relase the version 0.1 :) )

Thank you

On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 14:16:18 -0700 Andrea <ciopz at bigfoot dot com> wrote:
>Ms X wrote:
>> Hi
>> I want to Translate Mozilla interface to Arabic ,
>> I saw Arabic langauge in
>> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/l10n/mlp_status.html#projects
>> I contact Mr.Hassan Aurag <aurag at geocities dot com> but
>> he didn't answer me
>> I think he canceled the project
>> Can you contact him, if he don't answer you please
>> cancel him and add me to a new Arabic team so I can
>> start translating Mozilla
>> My name is Ahmad Twaijry
>> The Translate website will be http://www.4-sms.com/users/mozilla/
>> My email msx at hush dot com :)
>Hi Ahmad.
>Your contribute to the Mozilla Localization Project is surely
>But as the ways of Internet communication problems are infinite,
>I'm CCing Hassan in this message. Also I'd like you could make
>a public announcement on the netscape.public.mozilla.l10n
>newsgroup you're going to take over this localization project,
>and since you faced the impossibility to contact Hassan you're
>going to be replaced as maintainer of the project.
>Add you're waiting to be contacted back from him (we're always
>an Open Source project, so I'd really like everything might
>be lead in a Open fashion).
>One last thing.
>Each and everyone of our localization project is identified
>by a language and region code. I'd invite you to choose one
>ISO national code for yours. You can find more info and
>motivations behind this, on the pages of the MLP at
>Let me stress anyhow, this choice is likely to have a little
>impact on the end user, which is rather going to see the
>language name in the application.
>I'm waiting for your feedback.
>Cheers. Andrea
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- -------------------------------------------
The media classifies Muslims as terrorists, highjackers and kidnappers.
So why would anyone even look at Islam?
Why are so many priests and preachers going to Islam?
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