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common_terms.po is ready

As promised in the QAC meeting on IRC I've generated the previously
named "tech wordlist" (now named 'common_terms') via the following
process (in case you'd like to regenerate it yourself and/or want
to check your project's consistency),

  term_intersect.pl -dir1 my_cvs/translate/gnome
                    -dir2 my_cvs/translate/kde

The results noted,

   < + >  Total num of skipped terms = 28,132
   < + >  Total num of matched terms =  4,306
   < * >  Generated 'common_terms.po' output file of matched terms
  << * >> Run-time = 1.53 minutes

Note that it was run with the default "max_terms" allowed of 3.

In any regard, the resulting common_terms.po file is in CVS
now ready for the QAC team (more info on today's QAC meeting
and its conclusions wait for Ossama report/minutes) to tackle


Let the consistency begin :-)

BTW: In the beginning of the file there are various punctuations
     and/or numbers, I'm sure those need to be consistent as well;
     I left them in just in case.


 - Nadim

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