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Re: translation CVS trees

--- Mohammed Elzubeir <elzubeir at arabeyes dot org> wrote:
> I think you are confusing things here. GNOME is nothing like KDE.
> In order for us to mirror GNOME's cvs structure, we would be wasting a
> lot of space and making things even more difficult. If you want to get
> involved in this, then I suggest you spend the next week reading up on
> how GNOME is structured and how we are doing things before going off
> touching the CVS respoistory directly (which, again, I would not want
> anyone to touch other than myself).

As you put it - I know very little on how Gnome does things, but having
a hierarchy seems simply enough for us to mirror, no ?

I must be over simplifying something or another.  Oh well, I tried.
Arafat you are on your own then unless you feel the need for that
hierarchy is warranted.


 - Nadim

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