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RE: Translation question

--- Anson David Parker <adp6j cms.mail.virginia.edu> wrote:
> would it be worth taking an english dictionary and throwing 
> it up against almisbar and parsing the data from that?  ie using a robot to
> collect that dictionary as quickly as possible?  someone would have to read
> over it later, but I was looking at it yesterday and I think PHP could go to
> the  URL, submit a word from a US dictionary, or vice versa, and 
> then get the response to store in mysql.

Most of those site note in their "Terms/Conditions of Use" that one is
not to harvest their output and "you may not commercially distribute,
copy, license or sell any information or materials obtained from the Site".
Since Open Source doesn't limit one to not sell info, I highly recommend
against looking at those sites for harvesting purposes.  full_wordlist_*
is a pain to create (its like 70% done too), but once created its there
for eternity and it _will_ (I guarantee) by used for generations to come
without any rules/stipulations/conditions.

If we want an open source dictionary (and we do), we'll need to put-in
the sweat equity to create it _once_.  full_wordlist_* is the answer.


 - Nadim

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