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Re: do we need any arabeyes ?

--- burkan burkan <burkan21 hotmail com> wrote:
> i'm one of those 144 people, i'd like to help you (us) but my problems are:
> - my level of english, i'm not very well in english.

Your english sounds good to me - plus, how is one expected to learn without
practice :-) ?

> - I work (8 h) and study (5 h) every day, so i haven't much time.

We're all in similar positions (some more so than what you even mention),
but let's put in this way - do you have 1 or possibly 2 hours PER WEEK to
assist ?  Slow/small is better than nothing/none - think about that.

Burkan, I'm not picking on you (you were courageous enough to reply unlike
the other 143 :-), but I'm simply making the point that _any_ contribution
even 30-minutes a week will do wonders given there is a commitment.


 - Nadim

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