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RE: do we need any arabeyes ?

Salam All,

As a new comer I don't know if it's good or bad that one of the first
few discussions I participate in is "do we need to continue or not?"

I don't know anything of the whole picture but I can tell you that I was
delighted to find out by chance (while searching for an Arabic version
of Logo for my little sister) that such an effort exists.

Most of the great open source projects are held together by few numbers
(if not one) of dedicated individuals and these corner stones are the
ones that make it happen. Others will come and go, that is the open
source life cycle.

Bottom line, what your doing will eventually be achieved through
arabeyes.org or others, if arabeyes.org is destined to be the spark that
caused it all that would be great. It is every individual's choice to be
part of it or sit on the side lines.

Mohammed J. Saleh
-----Original Message-----
From: doc-admin at arabeyes dot org [mailto:doc-admin at arabeyes dot org] On Behalf
Of Nadim Shaikli
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 3:07 PM
To: doc at arabeyes dot org
Subject: Re: do we need any arabeyes ?

--- burkan burkan <burkan21 hotmail com> wrote:
> i'm one of those 144 people, i'd like to help you (us) but my problems
> - my level of english, i'm not very well in english.

Your english sounds good to me - plus, how is one expected to learn
practice :-) ?

> - I work (8 h) and study (5 h) every day, so i haven't much time.

We're all in similar positions (some more so than what you even
but let's put in this way - do you have 1 or possibly 2 hours PER WEEK
assist ?  Slow/small is better than nothing/none - think about that.

Burkan, I'm not picking on you (you were courageous enough to reply
the other 143 :-), but I'm simply making the point that _any_
even 30-minutes a week will do wonders given there is a commitment.


 - Nadim

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