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Re: Duali - On Dictionaries

utf8, arabic and latin !

Salam 3alaykom,,

Le Mardi 22 Octobre 2002 06:02, Mohammed Elzubeir a écrit :
> >  I looked for the same dictionary you have everywhere but I don't find
> > it. I stay waiting to get one :(
> That's fine.. we should simply find an alternative then.
> >   Well! I'll use this dictyonary: Al hadi Ila loghat Al Arab , writed by
> > Hassan Said Al Karmi - Dar Loubnan litiba3a wa nachr 1991- Beyrouth
> > libanon . It's in 4 books, it contains nearly 90 000 entry.
> >   Is it possible to tape the words in windows format (cp 1256) ? and to
> > convert it to utf8 , using recode or iconv ?
> If that makes everyone else's life easier that's fine with me, as long as
> it's in text format. I'm not sure why utf-8 is an issue but the point here
> is not to complicate things. At this stage, I just want things to get
> moving ;) Formats are the least of concern right now. I also would like to
> know how you when you can do the derivative classifications so I can get
> started on the code while the data entry process is running. That way I can
> have a working spell-checker with an incomplete dictionary.. at the very
> least.
 I shall send to you the first work with the words begenning with alif, ta, 
tha, jim, ha, kha, next week. 
 Now, what do you think about this ( writed with notpad under windows Me, 

سأضع تحت تصرفك في بحر الأسبوع القادم عملاً يضم كل الكلمات التي تبدئ بحروف : 
أ،ت،ث،ج،ح،خ. تفضل بإلقاء نظرة حول الكيفية التي أتبعها في كتابة لائحة الكلمات. 
تلاحظ أن الأسماء كتبت نكرة ثم معرفة. و نظرا لكوننا لن نعير الاهتمام بالشكل 
فقد فضلت اقصاء الكلمات المكررة أكانت أسماءً أو أفعالأً.
في هذه المرحلة الأولى سنكتب اللوائح التي ستكون المادة الخام التي سنعالج 
أفعالها الرباعية و ما فوق بالطريقة التي طلبت و ليس قبل الانتهاء من العمل.
فماذا ترى؟

> ---
> On another note, I will be alternative between English and Arabic -- I
> don't want to leave most people out in the dark in our communication,
> neither am I good at translating each paragraph I write (don't know how you
> do it ;)
 You now my english is very bad, i am only read in this language :) and when i 
write in arabic, that is to give most details because in english (for people 
not speaking english), i give only the main point ;) 


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