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Re: Arabeyes Charter Proposal

On Wednesday 13 March 2002 10:46 am,
  Chahine M. Hamila wrote:
> Tayeb. Here's the amended charter, keeping Isam's and Mohamed's suggestion.
> I assume it is passed now then.
> Arabeyes Charter
> ================
> Roles and Responsibilities
> of the Core Team
> --------------------------
>   General Coordinator
>     - Coordinate with core team
>     - Maintain the site, cvs, bug tracker, etc.
>     - Resolve conflict, should they arise
>     - Maintain meeting minutes and agendas
>     - Moderate meetings and schedules
>   Localization Coordinator
>     - Manage translation teams
>     - Set priorities and deadlines
>     - Coordinate with related i18n coordinators of other projects
>   Public Relations and Recruitment
>     - Campaign educational institutions and rally for support
>     - Recruit new volunteers into the project
>     - Represent Arabeyes in public and to the media
>     - Initiate external contacts with companies and other projects
>     - Serve as mentor to new members of the project
>     - Enhance Arabeyes' ? image and prestige
>   Research and Development Coordinator
>     - Coordinate development projects to ensure harmony and
>       staying in focus
>     - Set development priorities and deadlines
>     - Serve as liaison to technical committees and standardization
>       organizations
>     - Define the research directions
> Core Collective Responsibilities
> --------------------------------
>   - Approve individual project licenses
>   - Coordinate external relations
>   - Motivate volunteers
>   - Propose and implement policies (technial and otherwise)
> Policy Proposal Procedure
> -------------------------
>   1. Write formal proposal
>   2. The General Coordinator adds item to meeting agenda
>   3. Give a reasonable delay for discussion (via core mailing list)
>   4. Schedule a voting deadline and render votes
> Voting Procedures
> ----------------
>   All votes will be rendered during a the core team meetin. If a member
>   is unable to attend, they may email the GC with their vote(s).
> A. Basic rules
>    1. In the event of a tie, the General Coordinator invokes a parting
> vote. 2. No one can be individually forced to do whatever he doesnÂ?t want
> to. 3. Decisions made by the Core Team are not discussable by non Core
> members, even when they might appear arbitrary or unjustified. People can
> politely ask for clarifications or make suggestions, and it will be at the
> Core TeamÂ?s discretion to answer or not, or even forbid any discussion
> about it.
>    4. Successful votes take effect immediately. A voted issue can be
> brought back on the table if a shift in majority appears.
>    5. A vote can be Â?forÂ?, Â?againstÂ?, or Â?neutralÂ?.
> B. General decisions:
>   1. General decisions are taken by simple majority votes.
>   2. All non explicitly written voting exceptions will abide by this
> section.
> C. Project decisions:
>   Project decisions are essentially taken by each Project Coordinator
> within a system he manages in the frame of the project he manages.
>   Core Votes as in B.1 take precedence over Core CoordinatorsÂ?s decisions
> which in turn take precedence over the project coordinatorÂ?s decisions. An
> exception is when the project is owned by the coordinator, i.e. the project
> coordinator is the main author, in which case rule A.2 applies.
> D. Inclusion of a new member in the core team:
>   1. Inclusion of a new member in the core team will be proposed in answer
> to specific needs.
>   2. This procedure cannot succeed without the presence AND a favorable
> vote by 3/4 of the core team.
>   3. If a member of the core team puts his own membership in the balance
> against the inclusion, a vote according to rules B will have to take place.
> If the vote succeeds, the successful inclusion by a following vote
> according to rule D.2 of the new member will automatically exclude the
> subject of the first vote. If this first vote fails, the inclusion
> procedure aborts.
> E. Exclusion of a core member:
>   A successful vote undertaken according to rules B is enough for excluding
> a member.
> F. Core Coordinators elections:
>    Elections of Core Coordinators abide by rules B.
>    Core Coordinators are tacitly reconducted every year unless a core
> member expresses will for an explicit vote.
>    Elections are also triggered by important changes in the Core Team.
>    Candidates for Coordinator positions are done within the Core Team, and
> voters are all Core Team members.
>    Potential non core member who would like to run for a Coordinator
> position would have to be approved as possible candidates by the Core Team
> first according to rules D. In case of approval, the success in elections
> makes her/his admission in Core Team automatic and definitive.
> G. Project Coordinators:
>    Project coordinators are first nominated according to rules B.
>    A Project Coordinator can set the rules of organization and functionning
> of the project as he sees fit, including nominating another project
> coordinator. This last initiative though would have to go through the
> approval of the Core Team.
> H. Licenses
>   License are accepted on a case per case basis according to a vote by
> rules B.
> Annex:
> - Proposed coordinators for the years 2002-2003 and tacitly reconducted
> later unless someone states he wants explicit elections.
> Mohamed Elzubeir : General Coordinator
> Isam Bayazidi : L10N Coordinator
> Nadim Shaikli: Public Relations and Recruitment
> Chahine Hamila (and Mohamed Elzubeir?): RnD Coordinator
> - There will most probably be unwritten usage over time. Though it is
> important to follow such practices, none of them will be considered
> mandatory unless validated, by vote or by plebiscit, as a a written part of
> this charter.
> - Founding members of Arabeyes have no right per se. The status of being a
> Â?founding memberÂ? has no value. Relevance is in regard to the work being
> done in Arabeyes.

I think my views are well known - I am totally against rules and more rules.
As I completely agree in a majority vote, if this were to pass and become
law, so be it.  I also don't believe in handcuffing people -- I for
one tend to get into phases and will do whatever I see needs to be done, if
that is beyond "my" described mandate - well, that will (and did) create
problems which to me means "don't do as much as you've done" and I won't.
Part of the passion has been removed, the innocence gone.

I also don't think a 2-year position is realistic (it should be more like 3-6
months max), I also think all these coordinators should rotate every set
period of time (3-6 months) -- this will do 2 things:

 1. It will remove anyone who purposely or otherwise tries to get credit for
    the overall project (by being the coordinator of something).  I am
    ADAMANTLY against any mention of names.  The project should get all the
    credit at all times esp. in public correspondence (articles,
    news-releases, etc) -- it should always be noted that whomever is
    speaking on behalf of arabeyes or in relation to it should note that
    he/she is a mere group member with no ultimate authority or control
    and that there are other "core" members assisting.

 2. It will give a better feeling and will bring new blood into various tasks.
    There is no need to have people get comfortable in any one task that they
    are comfortable doing -- the point was to propel the project and to learn
    and to HAVE FUN.  Being a set coordinator of certain actions for a
    prolonged period of time is a sure-way to kill progress.

In short, my views should be well known by now :-) I'm of the thought that
we should have a VERY flat structure in which all do everything (this does
not of course mean to step on everyone's feet, but to work and to be
emotional detached from the project and to conduct ourselves in a professional
trust-worthy manner).  We should also be ULTRA open about everything -
decisions, votes, action plans, meeting agenda's, meeting minutes, etc;
nothing is sacred and shouldn't be.

I set out to help all Arabs be able to use Arabic on linux/unix - to get
the project off the ground recruiting was something that needed to be done,
which I gladly did, the website needed some scripts, I had no problem doing
those, we needed an editor, I had no problem pushing for that (and I do
mean pushing) and then even implementing it - so where would I fit into this ?
I don't see it; remember this is NOT a job and the fun aspect of things
disappears when there are overbearing rules (remember when you played "7ay
el'meed" and you ran around and screamed and your neighbor screamed at ya about
not making too much noise and not doing this and that and not going into
certain areas, etc ?  the game lost its fun-factor).

Remember, "core" came about simply as a means for "us" to communicate and
archive our mails, no more no less.

I can happily continue to do the technical work that I'm doing (and I'm working
on a few things) and not involve myself in anything that might relate to being
sensitive.  To be utterly blunt, it seems now that arabeyes has gotten off the
ground and is becoming recognized and somewhat respected political positioning
should NOT be something that any of us should care about!!  Take a look at the
"core" archives and see how many technical issues we've really talked about ?
How many long-term REAL issues have we tackled ?  I might be alone in my
thinking on this, but I don't see why there is _any_ need for positions and
maneuvers, etc.  Let's just do the work and get it done ASAP.  Results are
needed and those should be gotten at any price, by anyone ?  What have we, or
I should say Arabeyes, been able to resolve in relation to Xfree (fonts),
Mozilla (now that 1.0.0 is coming), etc. etc -- shouldn't those be things we
should ALL worry about instead of who is holding what position -- alas, I
don't mean to vier of the subject (back to my dungeon).

One last thing - I think instead of having positions and coordinators - put a
list of all the things that need to be done and divide up those tasks and get
them DONE !!  That, in my mind, would make more sense and would bring results
sooner with better focus (sans any political crap).

In the end -- nothing new from me, I'm sure.

 - Nadim

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