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Re: OSD in Abu Dhabi Men's College

Thanks you Nadja for your email and invitation to Arabeyes.org - I'll be
forwarding your comments to our 'general' mailing-list [1] so as to discuss
openly whom to send and how to approach this opportunity.

You'll be hearing back from me with further details as soon as a consensus
is formed and we've ready to proceed.


[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/mailinglists.php

 - Nadim

--- Nadezda Pizika <npizika at hct dot ac dot ae> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I am writing this email on behalf of IT Department for Higher Diploma
> and Bachelors programs of Abu Dhabi Men's College - Higher Colleges of
> Technology.
> We realize the importance and value of Open Source (OS) in the nearest
> future - we know how things are developing in Europe and USA..
> In order to promote Open Source we organizing Open Source day in the
> College where we'll be trying to discuss the impact of OS on software
> industry, trends and the developments.
> Additionally, we are planning to run panel discussions, student
> competitions - we are offering OS in our programs.
> Is it possible to invite your team members to participate in OSD, and if
> it is possible to offer the presentation to our students to encourage
> them to dedicate more time and efforts studying OS, additionally if it
> is possible the Demos of the real projects on OS - it can be extremely
> interesting
> And I am asking you for help - if it is possible to provide us with
> information who we can invite to give review of OS technologies, gives
> analysis of trends, and developments
> Please advise,
> Looking forward to your favorable reply.
> Event is planned : 23/04/2007 at Abu Dhabi Men's College
> Best Regards,
> Nadja Pizika 
> Chair IT HD/BAS programs
> Abu Dhabi Men's College