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Re: typing in arabic and english
- To: General Arabization Discussion <general at arabeyes dot org>
- Subject: Re: typing in arabic and english
- From: Mohammed Adn�ne Trojette <adn at diwi dot org>
- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:04:36 +0200
- Cc: Kamran Karimullah <kkarimullah at gmail dot com>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i
> --- Kamran Karimullah <kkarimullah at gmail dot com> wrote:
> > Dear contact-at-arabeyes,
> >
> > I am running a small version of Mandriva linux called Mandriva One. I would
> > like to be able to be able to type in Arabic and English in the linux
> > environment; not merely in OpenOffice but in my webrowser as well (Mozilla
> > 1.7.13). For example, I would like to be able to use the excellent online
> > dictionary at tarjim.com but I will not be able to use it properly if I
> > cannot input the root in the search box.
Hi Kamran and sorry for the late reply. Please what are you using as
your Desktop Environment?
Personnally, I don't use the same distribution as you so other people on
the list may be able to help on this. But on Debian/Ubuntu/Debian custom
distribution, what you need is:
* a UTF-8 locale ('dpkg-reconfigure locales' as root and choose a UTF-8
locale by default);
* an Arabic font (see the Arabeyes khotot project -- or the ttf-arabeyes
package on Debian);
* a keyboard layout management applet (there is one on Gnome and one on
KDE and they are really easy to use -- as in Windows, you click on it
with the right button to configure and the left button to switch the
Please let me know if it works.
Mohammed Adn�ne Trojette