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Re: [G-I] Indic and arabic fonts; which are best?

On 1/22/06, Mohammed Adnène Trojette <adn at diwi dot org> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2006, Eddy Petri?or wrote:
> > - nazli is not used for farsi, but it should be [6] (font should be bigger)
> > - arabic is fine with ae_AlMohanad, as it is now [7] (font should be
> > bigger; nazli could be used, but it appears that they are not that
> > great)
> I second the fact that Arabic font should be bigger.

If no font that does this "out of the box" can be found, we were
thinking that we will associate some meta data in order to set the
size of the characters depending on the font/language.

> The nazli screenshots in your mail are not very pretty, the Arabic font
> should look like AlMohanad. See [0] which seems to use nazli and IMHO is
> as nice for Arabic as AlMohanad.
> [0] http://hp.debian.or.jp/~tyuyu/debian-installer/Arabic_with_nazli_without_localechooser_patch.jpg

I found out yesterday that the problems that we have might come from
tha fact that we have quite a few code ranges clashes and the font
renderer s not quite smart to handle. Luckily we are planning to strip
the fonts according to the ranges that they were supposed to cover, so
there will be no chance for the characters to look mixed (as there
will be only one font that will cover one specific range - there might
be an exception for CJK languages, but is not yet certain).

> Please also note a bug in this screen: the first character of the last
> line (just above the "debian" hostname field) is cut.[1]
> [1] http://adn.diwi.org/tmp/first-char-is-cut.jpg

AFAICS, this happens with AlMohanad :-/

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein