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Re: [G-I] Indic and arabic fonts; which are best?

السلام عليكم
KacstOne is my prefered font, it is easier to read than Nazli or AlMohanad. 
But it also needs to be bigger and to support farsi if it doesn't.
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2006, Eddy Petri?or wrote:
> > - nazli is not used for farsi, but it should be [6] (font should be
> > bigger) - arabic is fine with ae_AlMohanad, as it is now [7] (font should
> > be bigger; nazli could be used, but it appears that they are not that
> > great)
> I second the fact that Arabic font should be bigger.
> The nazli screenshots in your mail are not very pretty, the Arabic font
> should look like AlMohanad. See [0] which seems to use nazli and IMHO is
> as nice for Arabic as AlMohanad.
> [0]
> http://hp.debian.or.jp/~tyuyu/debian-installer/Arabic_with_nazli_without_lo
> Please also note a bug in this screen: the first character of the last
> line (just above the "debian" hostname field) is cut.[1]
> [1] http://adn.diwi.org/tmp/first-char-is-cut.jpg