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Re: why not here...

--- hamed suhli <hamedsuhli at gmail dot com> wrote:
> that special solution is the word deviation encoding from my point
> of view and it's a wrong way from the view of many others
> including some of my elementary team members and Nadim from Arabeyes
> maybe my deep preknowledge in Assembly lead me to it, but no other
> integrated solution I have seen, except SAKHR closed source deviation 
> engine.

Keep in mind that my opinion is my own and is not necessarily Arabeyes'...

We have LOTS of common avenues we can proceed along together and as such
as should and ought to continue to work together to that end.  In other
words, our end-goals might differ but the info we need and require while
getting there is very much related and it would be wise of us to continue
to cooperate and to collectively share our knowledge in solving these new

I genuinely hope to see a continued cooperative effort, not only from the
two entities mentioned but by all with interest in Arabic and Open Source,
to simply raise our group understanding and required knowledge to address
all these issues.  We need to be encompassing and not selective and to
always strive towards the "best idea wins" mentality; the more of us working
of any issues related to Arabic Open Source from any group/entity/body,
the better.

Hope that makes sense.


 - Nadim

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