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Re: Quran data and issues in encoding the Quran in unicode

Hi Mete, Meor,

Again, many thanks and congratulations with your exhaustive work. Regarding
the hamza, I fully agree with you, Mete. Again, to unicode cut red tape,
it's totally harmless to treat U+0621 as the transparent letter it really
is - as long as this is done within an Arabic locale. Once this change is
made (we are working on a solution along this lines, also OT
adepts should try this ), the concept is proven and a new Arabic
Letter Transparent Hamza can be requested for Unicode.


Mete Kural wrote:
> 3) Hamza: The good old hamza... Unfortunately in Unicode the
> chairless hamza 0621 is defined as a character that disconnects
> adjacent connecting characters. And we can no longer fix this
> situation by re-defining 0621 because it breaks backwards
> compatibility with Farsi and possibly some other languages that use
> hamza as a disconnecting character. As we know no hamza ever breaks
> the connection between adjacent connecting characters in the Quran.
> So character 0621 as it is defined today should not be used for
> encoding the Quran. So the solution is to propose a new chairless
> hamza character that is defined not to break the connection. Until
> such a character is added to Unicode just use 0621 for now as if it
> is the new proposed chairless hamza that does not break connections.