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Re: Arabbix status
- To: General Arabization Discussion <general at arabeyes dot org>, developer at arabeyes dot org
- Subject: Re: Arabbix status
- From: dhiaeddine <dhiaeddine at techemail dot com>
- Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 10:06:27 -0700 (PDT)
- Cc:
salam all,
anmar I would ask you to share tasks with us, it seems it tooks you a lot of time to release the 0.8.1 version - or your blog isn't updated accordingly - as you restarted it from scratch.
I suggest you all(interested in arabbix dev) to get a meeting with anmar on arabeyes irc channel and discuss current status, next todos, identify and share the tasks
--- Anmar Oueja <anmar at canada dot com> wrote:
Hello All:
I have been getting lots of commends and questions about Arabbix
expected release date. Well I was planning on release Arabbix 0.8.1 on
April 13th but that date came and gone.
After looking At Arabbix 0.8, I decided to put it in the past and start
working on a fresh Live CD using the new morphix base module and an
update BareX module.
Starting from such a low state meant lots of customization and testing
to make sure it is as good as if not better than Arabbix 0.8.1.
After some testing, I found out that the current base module has a major
bug in passing the language from the boot loader (in this case GRUB) to
the main module (Arabbix). This prompted a bit of Q and A with the
morphix team, which ended up in me downloading a new base module that
will replace all present base modules.
Great News... you might thin. Hold on the plot thickens ;). After
getting the new base system, I found that the init scripts require some
work since they are specifically tailored to KDE (yuck :)) so I have to
do some hacking and hand the patches back to the morphix guys so the
same CD can also handle GNOME language set-up. Such a hack is going take
me some time until I get familiar with the code.
So why am I doing all this work. Simple really. I want to make sure the
the 0.8.1 release is as solid as possible since it will be the base I
will build 0.9 (GNOME 2.6) on it. In addition, I want the entire
remastering system to be clear, effective and automated and documented
as much as possible unlike Arabbix 0.8
Does that mean that Arabbix 0.8.1 sucks ? Not really. It will not be as
flashy as 0.8 but will have a much better hardware detection, be
auto-remastering friendly and have gnome 2.4 (not too bad, I say :)).
You can think of Arabbix 0.8.1 as a test release prior to going to 0.9
Once 0.8.1 is out, I will be hunting through all the current bug reports
and the ones I get from 0.8.1.
Great.... so when do I expect to see 0.8.1 ? Arabbix 0.8.1 will be out
very shortly (less than two weeks I am hoping). Sorry I can not provide
a deadline since I am not sure what other tech or none tech issues I
might be faced with. You can monitor the progress of Arabbix and the
blog by checking :
Arabbix 0.8.1 might not be all you want, but I promise you that Arabbix
0.9 will impress you.
Hope this covers it, If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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