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Arabbix status


I have been patiently (and sometimes not so patiently) waiting for
the new Arabbix release.. which doesn't seem to want to get released.

I would like to note that the biggest problem (IMHO) with Arabbix'
development is that it is worked on by one person and no one else is
able to contribte to it. In other words, the method of development is
wrong, inefficient and simply not cutting it.

Anmar, we need to make a fundamental change to the way Arabbix is
developed. I recommend that we adopt the same "proven to work"
methodology employed by the Morphix project (which is what Arabbix is
derived from, so it makes sense to me).

Arabbix may be a derivative of Morphix, but there are considerable
customizations that are involved and absolutely need to be documented
properly. This means that we need, not only to adopt Morphix' work
methodology but extensive documentation. Otherwise, we are at grave risk
of having to start from scratch should Anmar lose his data or get
abducted by aliens (been known to roam around Vancuver ;)

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://elzubeir.fakkir.net/ |

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