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Re: mutt under X-Window with UTF-8 (arabic)

Good morning Nadim, 

Am 2004-07-23 23:49:15, schrieb Nadim Shaikli:

>Its lacking Arabic shaping (which terminal was this under ?
>Its odd to see Bidi with no shaping support still in some
>applications - we need to fix this).  In order to see an

Because I have no programming experience with bidi, what must 
exactly fixed... and what do you mean with "shaping" ?

>example of properly displayed output, I highly recommend
>you run mutt in 'mlterm' since mlterm is a terminal emulator
>that fully supports arabic.

Hmmm, I had installed mlterm, but id does not show me the fonts 
correct and I have no "umlaut". Ans Second it crashs all the time.

I have ten times more crashes with mlterm as with Katoob.

> - Nadim


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