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Re: Logo/Icon for Bi-Con...

--- DX III <dx_iii at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> Previous message had some problems, it might be uncomplet or whatever. I am
> having some real problems with the mail listing interface at your project
> site. It may take a few more days to get familiar.

There really shouldn't be any problems - you simply mail normally to the
'general' mail address (like you would to a single person) and that's that.

BTW: we are getting 2 emails from you each time - do please check your
     settings and make sure you are mailing only once.

> Anyhoooo! I have now uploaded the zip archive at 
> http://www.geocities.com/dx_iii/Bi-Con.zip

Yes, very nice !!  I like the "Bicon 75x75 00" one although the text
needs to look nicer (a more interseting font maybe ?) :-)  The name
of the application is also "BiCon" and not "Bi-Con" (there is no hyphen).

> My name...Sorry! I cant use a name for myself. 

OK :-)
> dx_iii at yahoo dot com

Again, no need to put your email here - all I need to do is look at the
from header to get it ;-)

BTW: as noted if you need free webspace, look at (or google) -


     Note menu on left-side titled "Free Web Hosting Featuring:"

Keep up the great work once this is settled we can move on to the ITL
logo :-)


 - Nadim

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