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Re: Idea

--- Andrea Benazzo <dolphin at slacky dot it> wrote:
> Hi *!
> does exist a practical guide to the most common
> shell commands n arguments in 
> Arabic?
>if such help_pages doesn't exist, n if
> someone may translate those 
> documents for me, then we could open a new project n
> at least I'd be helpful 
> to you in a way! (Till I finish learning Arabic of
> course!!!!)

Hmmm, I don't know if such help pages exist in Arabic.
I doubt that they do. I've taken a look at your help
files and they seem compact and to the point which we
could use.

Personally, I wouldn't mind translating those pages
for you (once you finish them) so you can post them on
your site. But whether or not we will use them here is
for the Arabeyes core to decide.

Of course, any attempt to translate such documents
would only be a stop-gap measure. Sooner or later
someone will demand that we translate the official
Howtos and man pages and all the other stuff available
from the _official_ Linux Documentation project (LDP).
That is the only thing we can include on an official
linux distro.


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