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Re: Cairo Univ Linux User Group

From: Ahmad Tarek <ahmadtarek at link dot net>
Great note Ahmad... But we already made contacts with linux-egypt to unit efforts. We will begin our real presence in the festival.

as you can see our group try to take benefits of founding inside a univ. where you can see Prof's and contact with them... also where you can make courses and distribute easier than any place.

Do you have any ideas?!!

not much, but why dont Egyptan universities' labs have linux on them ? at AAST we have linux in some labs, but its not used at all. i think that professors should push the use of linux by giving a bonus in courses like 'Structured Programming' to students who hand in assignments coded in linux.

and alot of courses can use some diversity in OS, like the OS course itself.
(Operating Systems)


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