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Re: Marketing/PR cont'd

--- Ra'id Al-Jamali <rjamali at omantel dot net dot om> wrote:
> Unconstrained wish-list. Let just record it first, then impose
> resourcing and timing constraints later.
> 1. Documentation: Consider a typical end user who knows nothing about
> free software. What categories of questions will he have? My attempt at
> classification is as follows:
> 	- what on earth is open source?

This info should be already on the CD (and will be on our CVS soon).  The
files (both arabic and english) are named "*_nutshell" - take a look at
them and let me know if they are sufficient background.

> 	- how do I set this thing up?
> 	- how do you: write emails / compose letters / get productive?

Here we need help !!

> 	- Great.. how can I contribute?

This is already covered, we have plenty of things on Arabbix as well as
on the site that talks to that in great length.

> Nothing new to report on other stuff. Still remains on my to do list
> until my hibernation ends.

Winter has passed ;-) and time to awake (ring-ring :-)  As noted the above
two subsections need a bit of work and they are general enough so that they
will be easy to complete (I hope, Ra'id augment your todo list with 'em ?).
You might want to publish your todo list just for grins at some point :-)


 - Nadim

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