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Re: OpenOffice

On Sunday 19 May 2002 17:47, Nadim Shaikli wrote:
> I'm confused - is this a patch that openoffice will include into future
> releases ?  Is there any info on what this patch does (ie. can we track
> the current OpenOffice (non-patched) deficiencies/bugs to ensure proper
> inclusion of this patch into the main trunk ?  We don't want to yet again
> fall through the cracks :-)

Nadim .. The Patch did not get into OpenOffice truck .. but it seems that 
'like mozilla' the patch was not PLANED and did not have enough presure after 
it .. Anyhow I guess that we need to work after getting it into the HEAD 

> I spent a bit of time on www.openoffice.org and really didn't get anywhere
> in terms of info -- there seems to be a localized Arabic version of the
> source, but no mention beyond that.  Did I miss a link/page discussing
> these issues ?

There was a developer in the IRC that lead us to this package tha the built ..

> We also should query and look into whether anyone out there would be
> willing to host a mirror for the Arabic package (China seems a long way
> away :-) once the patch is properly included (version 1.1.0 or something)
>   http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/1.0.0/index.html

Sure we need that ..

Isam Bayazidi
Amman - Jordan
 Think Linux + Think Arabic = Think www.arabeyes.org