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Re: Printer & Fonts

How can I use them , all the file is *.exe

I don't have wine.

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---------  Original message --------
From: Mohammed Elzubeir <elzubeir at arabeyes dot org>
To: general at arabeyes dot org <general at arabeyes dot org>
Subject: Re: Printer & Fonts
Date: 05-15-02 16:08

> On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 07:58:43AM +0800, info at Saudi ABM wrote:
&gt; Al Salam AlyCom Wa Rahamt Allah Wa Brkatoh
&gt; 1 - Any one have any fonts for linux , I have kde 3 and I have only one
&gt; Arabic font (I don't have windows so I can't copy the windows Arabic

You don't have to have Windows to get the MS Fonts, which are freely
for download: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm

&gt; 2 - Did anyone have any solution to print Arabic pages in KDE3

Currently this is an item on our TODO list, and anyone is more than welcome
take up the task. Our TODO list is at:

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://fakkir.net/~elzubeir/|