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Re: Request for comments on Square Arabic

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 21:04:23 +0100
 "Chahine M. Hamila" <HALCON11 at terra dot es> wrote:
[snip snip]
> So, summary:
> - Pros:
>     - no change, Arabic remains carved in marble rock and stoned
>       like a dead mummy for those who are touchy about this
>     - Great technological gain in quantity and efficiency, without
>       trade on the user side
> - Cons:
>     - none that I can think of...

    - introducing ambiguity to what is Arabic "enabled" (people's
      definitions will not match) possibly resulting in a rift
    - alienating those that would not find "square Arabic" fonts
      readable and blaming linux/unix for that possible short-coming

I have no issue with "square Arabic" (esp. as an option or half-way
solution), but I don't see it as a end-all solution to even the most
mundane/low-level problems either (eg, xterm) due to the entrenched
need for shaped characters by most Arab-speakers.

 - Nadim

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