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Re: Accounts -- to be active or not to be

--- Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com> wrote:
now we're entertaining the thought of having
> CVS access expire after 6 months of inactivity (instead of 3) and letting
> anyone who has had CVS activity in the past 12 months, irrespective of
> current status, be able to vote.  A nominee will still need to have an
> active CVS account in order to qualify.
> Without unnecessary complications, there is no easy manner in which you
> can really filter serious vs. single-commit-per-year-now-I-can-vote people.
> As such, we can only abide by people's honor, commitment and word which
> are all prerequisites for attaining a CVS account to begin with.

10,000 years of human history tell me the honour system doesn't work. If I'm
planning to run for core, I could get, say, 20 of my friends to all sign up
with Arabeyes and make a single CVS commit, and they would all vote for me in
the elections, and I would win even if everybody else hated me like poison.

Thats not the worst part of it. The worst part is that soon you will have
"camps" budding up within Arabeyes. So you will have X and his buddies, Y and
his gang, and before you know it we're engaged in the pettiest (sp?) stupidest
bickering, much akin to parliments in the real Arab world I might add ;)

I'm in favour of restrictions. Just a thought,


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