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Re: كلمات و ترجمات ....

On 7/30/06, محمد سعد <520026770069-0001 at t-online dot de> wrote:
Investment الاستثمار
Certificates  شهادات ، سندات
Valid  ساري المفعول ، صحيح ،صالح
Invalid   غير صحيح ، غير صالح
No-longer valid ساقط المفعول
Try حاول
Subscription اكتتاب

Good :-)

However subscription can mean both اكتتاب or اشتراك depending on the
context. If your subscribing to a magazine or a mailing list you would
use اشتراك whereas if your subscribing to an IPO then اكتتاب should be

Retrieve سحب

Good, but it can also mean استرجاع or استعادة

Migration هجرة ، نُزُوح

ٌRight, if your talking about people or animals. If you are talking about migrating software or any kind of system, you should use انتقال or تحول

Regional إقليمي
Tool اداة
Clipboard الحافظة
Owner المالك
Forced اجباري
Ultimately نهائيا
Tip (of the day ) تلميحة
Ultimate نهائي


History (surfing history, events history) خطً زمني

I would probably use two different things for surfing history and events history. For events history I would use خط زمني and for surfing history I would use تاريخ التصفح or something similiar
