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Re: Translation project

> Salam
> On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 00:12 +0000, Youssef CHAHIBI wrote:
> > > here, by the way, so please go easy on me.
السلام عليكم
> > I use www.arabization.org.ma/Dictionnaire.asp and the (printed) unified
> > dictionary of computer science terms. If it (rarely) lacks terms, I use
> > qamoose.arabeyes.org and www.answers.com/<term> .
> These seem to be good sources, thanks for pointing them out.
The online dictionary is not updated, there are more terms in the printed one.
> > By the way, "shell" in Arabic is  برنامج وسيطي
> I'm not exactly sure, I mean, the term برنامج وسيطي is very general, we
> can say that itmean roughly the same as "intermediate program", and
> although the shell AFAIK is indeed an intermediate program, there are
> many other programs that can be rightly called intermediate programs.. I
> read it once as الصدفة and also as القشرة , but these terms are rather
> vague and somewhat odd. Say, why not go with القشرة الوسيطة  or الفلاف
> الوسيط ..Now these terms are odder than the previous ones..but we're
> having sugestions..:-)

Actually, the terms in the unified dictionary are the de facto standards 
suggested by professionals. برنامج وسيطي or simply وسيطي is a simple and   
meaningful word, if there was another kind of intermediate programs they 
would have named this one differently. As I said previously, we should make 
إن شاء الله a list of suggestions of terms to be translated, to be reviewed 
and to be unified, with clear scientific explanations, and send it to the 
Bureau of Coordination of Arabization. Compared to other scientific fields, 
computer sciences is the fastest growing one, arabization coordinators seem 
to not take it seriously.
> > I write the name of a program in Arabic and with the english term. If the
> > term is used too much time, I stick only with the Arabic term. For
> > example:
>  <البرنامج الوسيطي "باش" Bash:
> I totally agree with you, it's a nice idea.