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Re: want to join GNOME translation project

--- Ayman Hourieh <aymanh at gmail dot com> wrote:
> OK, I started to translate glimmer.po, I'll send it when I finish.

Ah no, don't send it to me when you finish. I would prefer if you send
it to me daily as you progress, regardless of whether you translated 1
string that day or 100 strings.

That way, I can give you pointers as you go along and point out your
mistakes as you make them. This is better than receiving a complete
file from you, which will be hard for me to review all at once, and it
will be hard for you to understand all the modifications I will ask you
to make :)

So please sometime tonight send me a copy of the file with your
progress so far, regardless of how many strings you translated.


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