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Re: Round 2 of M have begun and a view point.

On Friday 08 August 2003 10:54, Munzir Taha Obeid wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Now I've begun round 2 of M.

Woooo. GREAT:) Thanks Munzir.

> First, I want to thank Ahmed for the great work he has done.
> Second, I tried to search onelook.com for the strange words. Some words
> couldn't be found there and in any other online dictionary I am aware of
> but can be found on google.com.

Munzir, You will notice there isn't a single entry that doesn't have text
associated with it; either a definition or a comment. In the comments
field, if it reads "Not a valid English word" then it means dictionary.com
didn't return any valid definition. If it was a person's name or a city then
it is mentioned too. Just take them out and archive them as you suggested.

I wouldn't put them in a Changelog kind of file but rather we should come
up with "Badwords" file and come up a Changelog file to mark the event
but not the actual words.

> Examples:
> Macrosocioeconomic at http://www.converge.org.nz/pirm/premploy.htm
> Macrosimulation can be found at http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0003269
> Madstone: at madstone.org may be a name of theatre or something similar.
> macing: I found in Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Inflected Form(s): maced;
> mac*ing
> My view point is to remove them but mention them in the ChangeLog. Yes, I
> know they might be valid but for me it's very difficult and tedious to coin
> my own translations for such specialized words which may or may not be
> correct. I think it's better to wait until it's accepted in dictionaries
> and then we can add them later. It's not enought just for one or two
> persons to use a word to be accepted as an English word.
> In summary, if it's in a dictionary translate it, otherwise (e.g. in a web
> page or whatever) remove it.

I agree. Step on it:)

> I will commit now and wait for your comments.

God bless you.
Ahmad Al-rasheedan (http://webhost.fasttelco.com/asr)