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Re: A license needed for authentic/consistency purposes

> > I'm thinking of a license just like GPL but the this extra term:
> > * degrading authentication procedures IS NOT PERMITTED,
> > inauthentic (or impure or inconsistent) software as defined by the
> > original author or
> > according to original software checking procedure (GPG) should always
> > appear as impure or inconsistent in the derived work.
> This won't be a free license as soon as some kind of modification is
> prohibited. It is the same with limitation of use ("legal").
it's not prohibited because "appear as impure or inconsistent in the
derived work."
does not mean not allowed to be distributed

so it's free because it's only about assurance of consistency
and because I added another term that ALLOW distributing
inauthentic/impure/... software
it's only a mark, but moved from changelog to the title