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Re: ireminder (was: Developer Digest, Vol 34, Issue 6)

Ahmed El-Mahmoudy writes:
 > > any other command, is a good idea. I would much rather have a more
 > > generic solution for ireminder. Something like:
 > > 
 > > ireminder -exec "command %s" 
 > I do agree that it is better to let the user set the azan player 
 > command, but I dunno how to make perl subsitute '%s' with the audio 
 > (azan) file.

It's not just for choosing the azan player, but the whole command
should be customizable by the user (using the -exec option).

This would allow a user to be reminded in any form he wants. Whether
it's an azan being played, or a message box, or the background going
red, etc.

To elaborate a bit, I'm looking for a solution that would make all the
following commands possible:

ireminder -exec "mplayer Azan.mp3"


ireminder -exec "/bin/echo now is the time of %s"


ireminder -exec "xmessage 'Time for %s.'"

Or any other command that the user chooses for a reminder. If a user
includes an '%s' in the -exec argument, that '%s' would be replaced by
the prayer name before running the command. if not, just execute the
command. Maybe the time of the prayer should also have it's own
variable, like '%t' for example.

I don't know perl, but from the looks of it, it shouldn't be hard to
implement this functionality.

Thamer Mahmoud