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Re: screenshot childsplay in arabic

--- Youssef CHAHIBI <chahibi at gmail dot com> wrote:
> > Youssef CHAHIBI wrote:
> > > The order of the characters (RTL) is correct but the letters
> > > should be attached one to the other (Shaping).
> > > Arabeyes: any Arabic scripts shaping library ??
> >
> > miniBidi
> > http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=Adawat
> السلام عليكم
> Is there a python arabic shaping code ? This thing gets on my nerves,
> why isn't shaping handled in a higher level ?!

Here is a perl script that would do what you're looking for (simply
translate the perl to python or talk a python'ite into porting it;
we'll be glad to upload the finished port to CVS),


BTW: do __please__ trim your message replies and cite only relevant
     portions of the text.  While on the topic __please__ use simple
     ASCII and not html.


 - Nadim

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