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Re: qtquran problem

This message was mailed to the wrong list and I'm forwarding it
as a courtesy to 'developer' - do please CC the originator of the
email with your replies.


 - Nadim

--- salman farisy <schalmann at yahoo dot com> wrote:
>   Assalamu alaikum
>   I tried to install qtquran tgz package on my slackware linux 10.1, but
> couldn't use it because of some problems. The error massage is:
>     root#  qtquran
>     qtquran: symbol lookup error: qtquran: undefined symbol: __ti7QWidget
>   I hope you can help me.
>   Any suggestion about what linux distro or slackware release i have to use
> would be great.
>   Wassalamu alaikum
>   Salman Al-Farisi

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