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Re: install arabic open office

hello all,
I am trying to make a version of linux that includes every thing that a student needs.
That is including all the compilers, prorgams, tools needed:
visula basic
assembley -Nasm for intel 80xxx
+ open office  and so on
Note: i will be using an already existed linux version ... lets say Gentoo, Knoppix or some thing else
SO if any one of u can give me links for the followning:
1- how to and where to include a program package that will install itself when the new Linux OS is downloaded to new formated partition.
2- how to remove an already  existing program package .
3- FOR the GUI i check KDE, Gnome lastest packages... I liked KDE 3.5 ... however i am still wondering whick package where used in Gentoo linux version because it is really Cool.
wisam hussain