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Re: donation drive(s)

--- Mohammed Elzubeir <elzubeir at arabeyes dot org> wrote:
> Ossama Khayat wrote:
> > 
> > I'm willing to ship a PIII-600/1GB/60GB by next month.
> Actually, I think it would be better if we have some form of donation
> drive to purchase the necessary hardware and have it as Arabeyes
> hardware transferable to whoever may need it in the future.
> Would you guys be interested in having a donation fest ....

NOTE: above was edited for wider consumption.

The idea of a "donation drive" and/or a "donated hardware circulation"
mechanism seems like an _extremely_ interesting one especially since
a large portion of the populations (and thus developers, etc) we're
targeting and dealing with live in developing and to a large extent
very needy parts of the world.  I'm not sure how to implement this
idea, but I did want to see if others have thoughts ?

It would such an honor if we could setup a school (somewhere) with
donated computers to get them started/interested in Linux.  This
certainly seems like a topic which ought to relate to educational
software (are there localized Arabic children's programs out there ?
Does anyone know of open source Arabic-centric educational tools ?).

Alas, just wanted to note that this is a wonderful idea that we 
should pursue at some level.  Certainly in the short term if there
are indeed developers in need, we ought to fulfill their necessities
in the earliest time possible.


 - Nadim

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