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Re: need help: prayer time calculation

--- Aymen HS <aymenhs at gmail dot com> wrote:
> We are students of a computer sciences school in tunisia.

Great !!

> We are working to make inshallah a free prayer program (many versions) 
> supported by wider mobile phone,also we want to make not only for nokia
> only but for other mobile phones as samsung, LG, Ercisson, ...
> We need help in how to calculate prayer times and more documentation,
> we have some docs, but need more help. 
> Hope you can help us, wa jazakom allaho khairan.

Aymen, do please subscribe to Arabeyes' "developer" [1] mailing list
(among others) and make sure to tell your fellow students to do the
same.  As for the info you requested you can certainly use the ITL [2]
library and sample applications as a guide (they are all under [L]GPL
license).  I'm sure there will be alot more questions, but do please
look over the various files and whatever documentation there is before
proceeding (most of what you need will in in the CVS repository).

PS: do please reply to 'developer' and not directly to me.

[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/mailinglists.php
[2] http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=ITL


 - Nadim

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