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Re: Qt_E Project Initiation

--- Abdulhaq Lynch <al-arabeyes at alinsyria dot fsnet dot co dot uk> wrote:
> I added a screenshot of the AddressBook in Opie
>   http://kprayertime.sourceforge.net/shots/zaurus5.png
> (disregard the actual translation... I threw it together).
> Also I just noticed about art.arabeyes.org so I'll put the shot there soon.

Great - Thanks.

> I would like to put some binaries (packages) to be available for
> download. Can I do that and how/where should I put them?

We'll create the proper space for ya on sf.net (within Arabeyes [1])
for you to upload things there [2].  We'll mail you in private once
this is done.  Do please go ahead and add yourself as a member, etc
(it's been awhile since I dealt with sf.net, so the entire procedure
escapes me at the moment).

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/arabeyes/
[2] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34866


 - Nadim

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