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Re: Arabic aspell dictionary ?

On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 09:21, Ahmed El-Mahmoudy wrote:
> as-salamu alaykom,
> 	Is there an arabic aspell dictionary ? If not, is it possible that the 
> 	arabic-wordlist project would have a script to convert the po's to aspell
> 	dictionary file ?


It's not that simple. Aspell attaches a bit of metadata along with each
word and to compile a dictionary for it, there will have to be a
substantial amount of work for it. It also isn't worth the effort and I
would be _very_ much against spending that kind of time on creating a
dictionary compatible with aspell vs. creating a dictionary for duali

In either case, there is a significant overhead of manually building the

[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=duali

Mohammed Elzubeir

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