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Re: WinSCP

--- "S.K." <moon_lightin at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> I read about WinSCP in Arabeyes Todo List and visited the site mentioned..
> The site offers a translation administration page where you can download some
> files and start translation. 
> I am interested in this project but I don���t know how I can translate
> technical words to Arabic!! � Is there a list of words I can use to
> translate?  �I am new here so forgive me if my question seems to be
> I need some guidance �.and I will try to do my best..

There are a couple of things to note here,

 1. WinSCP currently doesn't have unicode support (so rendering Arabic
    won't even be possible since we need UTF-8 support)
 2. WinSCP needs to be tested with regard to Bidi (bidirectionality) to
    see if Arabic will in fact be displayed from Right-to-Left, etc.

I know WinSCP had a vote not too long ago about what future support was
most wanted and Unicode support was voted #2 (not sure if that is still
high on the developer's list of things to do), but I __highly__ encourage
you post on WinSCP's forum and mail the main developer to see what his
schedule looks like for those additions (the sooner the better).


Once unicode (and UTF-8) support is added we can start translating the
interface -- make sure to use Arabeyes' "doc" mailing-list to talk about
translations and such (the "developer" list is not the right medium for
such conversations).

BTW: the reason unicode is needed is in order to be able to properly display
     Arabic file names when you want to copy/move 'em, etc.  In other words,
     it seems silly to have an Arabic interface to something that doesn't
     internally render the Arabic filenames properly.

In short, make sure WinSCP gets unicode support added-in ASAP.


 - Nadim

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