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Re: Bidi-less Applications Patching Policy

Muhammad Alkarouri wrote:
Please give an estimate of time (either core or miniBiDi maintainer).

i currently have my Final exams, so im guessing around the end of
june. i'll probably start working on it around the 20th of june. anyone else is welcomed to takeover or help.

miniBiDI is to remain simple and compliant at the same time? or one of these
conditions can be somewhat sacrificed?

good point. ofcourse compliance has to be 100%, so simplicity would be the victim. about simplicity VS. optimization (speed and size -wise), i dont really know how this will go, but i'll try to include lots of explanations and comments.

I would also add my support to this last statement. FriBiDi's two problems now
are its license and lack of shaping. Though the issue of licensing does not
bother me and I have a whole set of arguments for L/GPL, the lack of shaping
remains an issue.
(I know, Behdad, use BiCon's..)

since Fribidi and miniBidi both implement the same algorithm for Bidi. what about Shaping ? wouldnt it be better to follow one standard algorithm for shaping ?? doesnt matter how good any implementation is, without a certain algorithm, some things would be left up to the author and would generate unwanted ambiguities.
also, we need some standard table of conversion, i.e 0600 values to their presentation forms.
