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Re: bidi text printing

--- ahmad khalifa <ahmadkhalifa at hotmail dot com> wrote:
> >It should now be ingrained in all our heads that everything we do MUST
> >be under the auspices of that work making it back to the main application.
> dont understand that...

Meaning, if we work on any external project all our efforts should go
into making sure that our work will ultimately end-up in the application
in question.  For instance PuTTY (since you are involved in it), we want
to make sure that any and all of our work will end-up back into PuTTY
official source code so that it will stay there for the duration of that
application's life.  In other words, we don't want to create forks and/or
mimic other applications - we should get our work ingrained into the
application in question.  Doing external filtering and such is OK as an
interim (ie. temporary) solution, but whatever is needed to get Arabic
to function properly should be part of the applications main source tree.

> >Sounds like maybe 'txttops' needs to have Bidi and Shaping added to it
> >then :-)  You might want to take a very _quick_ peek at my addition of
> >Bidi and Shaping to txtbdf2ps (for the record I know NOTHING about ps),
> correct, IF and ONLY IF, it doesnt already work...

I tried awhile back and it didn't work - its been 1.5 years though.

> >Again we are interested in,
> >
> >  $ lpr my_arabic_utf8.txt
> >
> i cant confirm that my lp and lpr dont print arabic because i dont have
> type1 fonts... and if i cant confirm that they dont print arabic, i wont
> attempt to fix it... i.e "dont fix it if it aint broken", and the issue
> will hang around and wont get resolved....

Sure, get the fonts then silly :-)  I don't remember the issues involved
with regards to the fonts - but feel free to ask, I'm sure someone will
have ideas.

> so, in conclusion to all the CUPS posts, someone who knows linux
> "Well" needs to confirm that lp and lpr dont print arabic...
> i am a newbie, i.e "7omar linux" so i cant do that :)

Why do I get the feeling you are not interested in doing this ;-)
Alas, its a major area in need of looking into by anyone (newbie
or otherwise).


 - Nadim

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